Unlike display marketing materials, swag can be a marketing option that has a return long after the trade show ends. It can also be considered junk that gets thrown right away when attendees get back home, or never again make it out of another brand’s slightly more useful reusable tote bag. Just as pop up displays direct traffic to a trade show booth, the right swag can send attendees searching you out, and reignite a great memory of your brand each and every time a freebie is used. Both can be considered an important investment for businesses who regularly attend trade shows, worth their weight (and price) based off of the connections and ultimately, the sales these marketing tactics contribute to.
The best swag giveaways at trade show exhibits are a delicate balance between goods that won’t break the bank, and goods that potential customers will actually want to keep. Unique items that are still relative to the industry come across much stronger than random, cheap items with zero correlation. Spending too much on limited quantities of a particular item is a potential downfall to those looking to offer spectacular swag giveaways. They may go home with the best customers and clients, but the chances of being seen by a wider audience are a potential hazard. The right pieces of swag fall somewhere in between these lines.They must be cool enough to keep and reuse in public, so clients outside the trade show arena can set their sights on your brand as well.
Cult classics like coffee mugs always get used, and when brought to the office, will constantly remind a customer to keep tabs on your brand’s new products and promotions. Innovative tech options like branded USB flash drives are a new fan favorite, because everyone uses them, and you can never have too much space. Pens are still an easy call, and you’ll never know where they’ll end up. They could drum up business out of nowhere, or be left in a jar with countless other pens. T-shirts tend to have a higher cost per piece than the stickers, magnets and more found at trade shows past, but they could also offer a higher return. The public tends to be wary of actually using stickers, but clothes could be beneficial to the brand, even if they’re just worn for say, trips to the gym.
The key to pinpointing the best swag for a brand hosting a trade show exhibit is just like determining the marketing efforts of that particular trade show. Clarifying the comprehensive goals of all marketing tactics during the trade show season, from small takeaway details like swag to the pop up displays that set the stage for your brand to be received, ensure the strategy is cohesive and concise. Brands looking to spread the word as much as possible choose swag that differs from, say, brands looking to thank the most valuable or loyal customers visiting the booth with bigger and more significant items.